you can tell
my hands smell like bleach.
it's really snowing outside tonight. i mean, really really. the cbc told me that we're to get fifteen to twenty centimetres of the stuff, but i am leery in trusting their weather prediction skills. afterall, according to thier announcements, today was to be grey and cloudy. instead, the sun shone in one of those clear blue skies with clouds scuttling overhead, high, white, wispy and slightly eerie in their swift and detached manner.
tomorrow, i am making sourdough bread, reducing my table to a less gigantic and therefore less hard-to-fill [grammar be damned!] size, and getting my own phone. and internerd.
this bodes well for online journal keeping once more. or not.
i'm never sure if this is worth anything. or everything. well, actually, second year was worth it. i have to make a true effort to cut and paste all of that secret-love drama onto my hard drive, and soon, for serious, non-digital preservation. also, i need to start keeping a journal in general.
maybe the attention-whore in me will get back into the swing of things?
regardless, rest assured that i still wear mismatched socks, troupe around in horrible fashions, and have serious issues with being an adult in day to day life.