'the adventures of a thirty-ish university graduate' or, alternately and perhaps much more aptly: 'as mad as a barking fox'

Monday, March 21, 2005

love, i get so lost sometimes

what continues to shock and amaze me are the treasures people hide deep within themselves, treasures that people are unable to share because of some self-inhibiting fear that the world will not embrace and hold and encourage the cultivation of these treasures so that they may be embraced and enveloped and enjoyed by all those people who were initially though of as scary rejecting masses incapable of feeling or accepting or embracing these new, these unique, these entirely compelling and outstanding hidden treasures.

no, i just don't understand it, but continue to be shocked when they leak out and thier shiny sparkly edges draw me in and remind me that there is just. so. much.


Blogger James said...

longest senetence ever, question mark


Blogger meg said...

yeah yeah yeah hoddy. i know. but it was exactly how i wanted to rpesent it.


Blogger meg said...

you know what continues to amaze me?

my inability to spell properly even after careful editing of each post. gawwwwwwwwwwwssssh! but thank you lovey.



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