'the adventures of a thirty-ish university graduate' or, alternately and perhaps much more aptly: 'as mad as a barking fox'

Thursday, September 14, 2006

if you find me racing white horses

it's raining out.

fancy staying in? i'm low on good food, but with anna's tomatos, i'm sure i can make something pesto related that will feed your soul as well as your body. of course i'll have to escape directly after to check my teeth- even when you protest that there's nothing there. later, with soft mid-nineties music playing in the background and while we circle mugs of tea [mine is decaf earl grey, your is rooibos] with chilled fingers, we'll tell tales about bad things we did as children. i promise to only scald myself minimally when you recount that certain incident involving the police. later, after insisting that you have to leave five time in a row, i'll let you escape only after forcing you to promise that you'll head straight home, dancing in the rain between the spots of light that slowly fade- one into the other- along the sidewalk.

later, when the rain stops, i know it will wake me up.


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