'the adventures of a thirty-ish university graduate' or, alternately and perhaps much more aptly: 'as mad as a barking fox'

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

lost in coffee beans and finger paints

i just cleaned for three hours.

part of me wants to be bitter. i mean, yes, i live here and therefore i mess here. but the mess was one to which four other people contributed. and my bitterness probably stems from the fact that for the nineteenth week in a row [yes, i counted. i count things all the time. i think i have a disorder- no, seriously], that mess has been attacked, destroyed and rendered obsolete [for however small a time] by me. without help. again.

however, in presenting the mess as a formidible entity against which i, and i alone, fight each week with continued and ultimate success, i also have to come away feeling more than kick-ass.

no mess can stand up to the power of me!

[but if there were a power of three..imagine!]

in other news, today i seem to be internerd challenged. i am hopefully fixing this and having luck with attaching a file to an e-mail. we'll have to see though. sometimes when the bad internerd luck strikes, it sticks with me for some time.


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